The operations side of your digital transformation

Enterprise-grade tools and features to manage your overall cloud-native resources and activities.


Create entity as container, which we at Transformify name - Organization. Form and set business logic unit from where you can provision your projects and manage team-members.

  • Starting place to create Projects, preview most relevant information and directly access related resources.
  • Enable various policies that affect the entire organization entity, including all members and projects. Set project data residency, limit and allow subscription plans, implement information security and GDPR best practices.
  • User center to invite and create your team members. Dynamically assign and move organization members to one or many project development teams.
  • Create and setup alerts. Provide on-time notifications to organization members and internal or external systems with webhooks. Impose awareness for all major events and actions that affect the Organization.
  • View and audit activity logs for events related to your organization entity.

Learn more about organization

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